Saturday, November 09, 2019

Enslaving the Human mind into awaiting the Advent of a fictionalized character who was designed for the sole purpose of preventing the Advent of the real character they are meant to personify

"While the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth."

Where can you hide a secret message available to all in plain sight?

You produce a book with a bunch of metaphors to describe certain conditions afflicting the Beni'ADAM( Sons of Biped aka Humanity). 

You include history and pseudo history wrapped in phonetically/dimensional encrypted riddles, metaphors wrapped in a Semitic Cipher within said book. 

Brain washing of masses ensues.

Later a sequel is written in another language where the main character can be proven to misunderstand a very simple Semitic word and its future and past tense conjugation within the first book while being professed to being the originator of not just the first book but all of reality whether inwardly declared or outwardly professed and socially propagated by those belonging to the Death Star Cult of Child Sacrifice(Which happens to be the World's oldest religion whether directly practiced or indirectly via WAR which is good for extinguishing large amount of youth in the process of subjugating the hoards of humanity via decimation of their ranks. 

Further brain washing of masses continues unabated.

Later still a third book written in a more refined manner of the native phonetic tongue of the first book but referencing the second book's main character - a character who could not understand that very simple word from the first book while referencing it in the second book to prove a point about the supposed rules of the first book in order to tow people in line for some purpose.


A) The writers and characters of the second book did not have access to the source material in its original form never mind its main subject being its originator. Those of the 3rd book even recount visions of the false visage that is propagated as a useful form of racial subjugation into a conditioned brain washing via the visual cortex trigger.

B) The main character is fictionally amalgamated into being by various "authors" implementing techniques hopeful of landing their philosophical and "historical" presentation on the best seller du jour list.

The key to unlocking the most shocking and history altering conspiracy in the World we live is having access to the bad phonetic presentation of the said source material in a form of scribe encrypted writing side by side with translations of the language that was used to write the second book thus arming oneself with the errant translation of the first book as the point of reference to deciphering the now highly suspect sources of the second book.

What is more shocking is a decryption implementation of the Semitic cipher that confirms the fraudulent aspect of what is being hidden in plain sight and why the World's supposed elite are nothing more than master puppets masquerading as Masters of the Universe. Why does the Semitic cipher exist? See below.

What world do we currently reside in?

One that is dominated by Fallen Civilizations that are weighed down with the weights of their injustices towards the planet they inhabit, the planet that provides their sustinance and without whom some would prefer they would live in outer darkness away from the warmth of Terra. 

Kingdoms aka Kandam aka There was blood because you can't have earthly kingdoms that steal treasure without spilling blood therefor all earthly kingdoms are all Fallen aka Nafeeleen aka Tyranical)

A world that ran with the lies that arose out of the bad translations and the fraudulent claim of ownership of heritage espoused by several groups and factions many of which are currently in opposition today, seemingly "Hell" (aka aka Gahanem aka Jal Ben Hanem aka Valley of the Son of Hanem) bent on bringing about a final confrontation otherwise known as the place whose name means "The valley of his Glory" aka 
Har'Magido aka Armageddon.

The brain washing of masses continues to morph away from the original message and any intent of said message with further confusion brought about by insinuation that multiple authors made up the first 5 books of first message otherwise known singularly as the "To'rah" meaning "read it"or in plural as Taorot aka "Revolutions" coincidentally subtitled in the Matrix finale. 

Fast forward hundreds and thousands of years via sprinkling the "Good news"( aka Gospiel) followed by "What is read"(aka Quran) and you have one veritable cluster Foreign Un-decipherable Cryptic Knowledge situation that becomes a clash of civilizations after having risen by a long forgotten and twisted form of first contact. 

Before we go the "It's Aliens" route, The World at large does not yet know what the first and subsequent but now long ago contacts that led to these books actually originated as.

There are only fragmented shards of evidence most of which is lost in the sands of time.

Imagine the viewpoint not of Homo Sapian Sapian but of the Ones who from above the surface visited those below in addition to the involvement of the "originator" of the Semitic cipher. 

You sit back and observe either in sheer horror or sheer delight or sheer shock at either a plan gone horribly wrong or an insidious plot to divide and conquer having played out beyond warmongers' wildest dreams or something in between with a sprinkle of occulted information.

An intended or accidental conspiracy has developed to propagate the misunderstandings and propaganda that arise out of terrible translations of the source material and errant referencing in any subsequent literature discussing initial books or professing to belong to the lineage of origin book.

Only the Semitic Cipher can unlock the true meanings lost in a bastardized History written often by the Thieves and not just those that emerged Victorious.

The Planet's future is radically altered by the errors in translation and understanding further darkening the future path of the dominate species inhabiting it due to its addiction to warmongerdom.

Fast forward Thousands of Years and Billions of served Tabula Rasa's later:

What you have on your hands is a veritable cluster FUCK of the highest order. 

One mistranslated word is all it takes to bring down your system of mind control that has been in place for thousands of years and has the World sitting at the crossroads facing its own willful self wrought extinction.

One little seemingly harmless word:



Mistranslated as "tempting" or "testing" but actually meaning "forgetting" and in context a direct address of a group of people not to forget.

later on its past tense conjugation 



Is mistranslated as tested/tried instead of simply meaning what it means today, "forgotten" again by a group of people and not just one person.


Forgotten by a group of people not in a place called "Massah" but at night as in night time where the letter b respresents within and massah evening or night aka during the night.

The question of which evening/night should immediately lead one to the most important night ever in the History of a people the said book(constant #1 best seller)  is supposedly about:

The night which someone passed "over" them.

The Question is who? Who performed the passing? The written history leaves clues but nothing definitive perhaps directly intended.

Further reference to the forgetting of that night is included in the below link for cross confirmation of the accuracy of translation meaning: a description of the state of forgetfulness instead of testing or trying someone as the main character of a "sequel" alludes to when being quoted by two different authors of the "sequel"

A system that has indoctrinated billions......( some for the greater good, a few for unspeakable acts of evil, most to delusion and or delusional apathy)











A Canaanite/Aramaic/Proto Arabic language is encrypted by a modification of a living language into a secret scribe alphabet incorrectly called a language(Hebrew/Nabatean) that is created by turning down and to the left the majority of characters from the characters later to be known as Arabic letters as a means of controlling the populace's ability to decipher the writing of the initial book allowing a few to control the multitude.

150 years ago a lost encryption of writing the Aramaic/Proto Arabic language is declared a lost language by itself( Hebrew)  only to be recently rediscovered by a people who cannot provide a correct pronunciation/conjugation of the majority of its words but pretend to be its originators while not being able to understand the majority of its most important words in a book they co-opt as their own thereby partaking in the forgery of history propagated by its usurious money printing exploiters masquerading as its masters.

Fast forward to the 20th Century and Chaos ensues in the form of an abominable holocaust of the Earth via territorial and resource conquests predicated upon the lies spread about by bad translations and lack of proper understanding as Treacherous( Kha'Yen aka Cain) Homo Sapiens continues to exert dominance of the simpletons of the Earth(Habeel aka Abel).

Humanity stands upon the precipices of its own self annihilation by its own misguided/ misunderstanding ears, minds and hearts.

If understanding the origin of one word can bring d
own a system of global lobotomy that produces sheep by the billions, what is the consequence of explaining the origin of the following words that were either condensed and or mispronounced to become what is mistranslated as:

GOD/Lord/Rabbi/Jehova/Yaweh/Elahouna/Elohim/Hell/Sheol/Adonai/Cain/Abel/Sinai/Jacob/Israel/Hebrews/Jerusalem/Haggar/Daniel/Jeremiah/Ezekiel/Isaiah/Assyrians/Bethlehem/Roshashanna/Moses/Michael/Elijah/Matt/Luke/Mark/Paul/Mohammad/Torah/Quran/Garden of Eden\Adam or even the mispronunciation that is Yeshua?

What happens when all of these words are understood by Humanity for what they meant when they were originated?

Will ArchAngel( aka Commander) Michael/Mikha(Mind of) EL(The Most High) Please stand up1?

It's almost that time......cause it is that age. But first, maybe a Movie will suffice:

Call it "The Dark Rift" The World's first HyperDimensionally grafted RTS Sci Fi thriller for the sake of the multitudes of Mankind that star in it.