Sunday, May 03, 2020
Monday, March 09, 2020
SOS Emergency Steps to boost IMMUNE SYSTEMS against CV19 and E.L.E And/Or Ask Bonnie Tyler What Songs she needs a Bloodied constantly losing and getting back up but Invictus Rocky to Run 2
Common healthy ways to fight bacterial infections and flu types.
First and foremost, read with a sense of levity and humor in order to boost your immune system. Reading with Gloom and doom causes cessation of breathing which causes hyper tension which extinguishes life slowly when the heart is robbed of the ability to breath.
One way to quickly battle sudden onset high fever is ice packs on the head and neck especially for prolonged bouts of forgetting to get some shade leading to Sun strokes.
Organic Bananas, organic made by hand chicken soup with clean broth, Organic Garlic( Or even capsules if a person runs out) Fresh squeezed Orange Juice, Organic Nuts and Grains, ProPolis Alcoholic laced(better absorption) Drops, Liquid Vitamin D3 drops, good relaxing music on headphones, consciously breathing and not panicking, raw natural honey instead of refined sugar if you must sweetify the tooth and not arguing too much or speaking for too long without taking a breath. Hating also weighs down the body and the mind and soul.
Non Organic stuff likely has higher traces of Glyophosates ( the cancer causing agent in Roundup that Monsanto got sued for and its now Parent company Bayer has stock piles of needing to make profit by stuffing it into as many products as possible hoping soDUMBed down and gaMORONIC consumers know not better and fall for the latest fads easier. Again failing to show proper leadership by valuing transient material wealth over souls that do not expire but transfer to another state of being.
Wanting too many pretty lawns took us down roads to paralyzed cities where they GAS the GREENS and the GIRLS are PETTY.
Talk about these only for profit and pridefully insolent Sigh-entists still walking like an Egyptian in mentality of preservation of only physical weights of what is known as wealth but not caring about the mental state nor the spirit nor the soul of individuals.
All the money in the World is not saving the World right now just making it a more dangerous and less trust worthy world.
The World has lost its way when the leaders of nations call their citizens consumers first and care more about markets than they care about their citizens whose labor creates those markets and opportunities for exploitation.
Not to go Marxian Marxist since neither did they implement their own flawed ideals but wanted to take from the hard work of others while they pontificated about sharing.
When people can no longer trust any of their leaders to do anything for them, they know they are on their own and then they become alienated and even when the boy who cried wolf media agents and their twisted materially wealthy but spiritually vacuous controllers start telling the truth, it's too late and it gives you a beta test case for the film 12 Monkeys to play out.
In a Bizzaro World you can't make any nation great or change it with any hope whether through Controlled News Networks or Faux News networks if it's physically, spiritually(dispirited/soul sucked/had enough/downtrodden aka beware of that which kills the spirit! aka pointless fear based work or negative virtue circle work or hatericide), and morally sick( which could mean faking morality aka Y- in a certain UFT equation).
In another language News means "ouch"(Akh) and all the blah blah blah(Bar). Levity as a free 24 hr immunity boost is the first step. harmonic music is also a free immune booster and lack of laziness as in no emotion without motion is mandatory.
In this Bizzaro World where Lex Luthor(Rex Looter/Rex Rotto Rooter?) is ROHTUL/XEL backwards aka in Semitic: L'esprit De StLazy aka Laziness/idle handedness is the biggest killer of the soul/spirit first before the rot in a corpse's shell body appears when we don't have the soul for getting down aka stop being so rigid and let go of it all and just be free as in express yourself in an artisitc non violent way if possible.
Laziness makes the Donkefied A$$es sit down and atrophy as indoctrinated Cubicle Zombies bent on only consuming as they are told to consume.
Why so Lazy? Check food additives, Too many hydrocholrinated acid Meds that hurt more than help, places where 80-20 principle becomes 90-10 when improperly applied.
How can people made to do spirit and soul sucking redundant rudimentary tasks be so dis-spirited and only wake up when their lives are at stake but often when it's too late? Aka Baptismo Del Fuego Del Corona or Solar or Rockets or Hail or insert your adversity here.....z
Now to back 2 basics medical defenses from the Old World that the haughty and clueless-ly cavalier New World think is 3rd_ified:
Nasal blockers such as ZICAM or generic equivalents can stop replication of certain viruses by plugging pores but if hoarded leave few for all.
Sudden onset sore throat can be countered with non toxic sorbet(low temps vital) or least chemically treated ice cream but stay away from Nuclear weapons 6iproduct 0% sweeteners Ask Rumsfeld He knows.
Staying away from bad processed foods is critical especially what they put in fast food to create the addictive craving. Also, Whole Foods Italian Still Water is best to keep away from US water which has lots of dirty stuff including seepage of traces of Glyophosate from all the "Round Up" use that is still there in soil.
A Nation so proud of its liberty of the individual but enslaved to its proclivity to not want to make its own meal now if ever.
Microwave nuking is L'Esprit De StLazy aka laziness the biggest killer since sloth is right there as its paramour.
Worst case scenarios death comes and then life again so worry is left to those whose job it is to worry about others not just self.
Easiest way to clean dirty water = activated charcoal especially if that dirty water is ingested and tummy turns. Clean clay from good soil also is a neutralizer but As Working Girl Gothamitic Film soundtracking Carly Simon sings: the New JeruSalam almost sarcastically because all it took was 7 hours of no electricity for New York to turn into bedlam in 2003.
Why? The individual lobotomized to only care about its own survival replicated by 8-9 million times creates absolute Chaos for the other 1 million or so not lobotomized and trying to help maintain civil order whether deputized or volunteering.
The Original Word is Yeru(They Shall See) Salam( Peace) begging the question: Will we ever if Man/Woman continues to kill Woman/Man or if Nature one ups in joining this 2nd law of thermodynamics aka Thermo's Dynamo?
Can Human beings be considered truly sentient if they continue to behave only according to the Bible's original source of what later became Newton's 2nd law of Thermodynamics of for every action and equal and opposite reaction aka hate/retaliate, attack.counterattack?
What good is humanity aka Homo-sapiens sapiens aka Beni Adam where the K is silent aka Beni (K)Adam or Sons of Bipeds if it continues to practice not what it preaches?
K is silent above to soften the pronunciation and imply that the naming Adam is to signify first Biped after other experiments yielded quadpeds.
Gardening the Eden. Ga'Neet A'dan aka Craziness/Paradise of No One(Eden/Forbiden/Frobottten aka in the Garden of Non One = The Wretchedly fallen state of Man/Woman/Child etc....who blinded all is King of a Kingdom aka KanDam aka there was blood(Kan = was) (Dam = Blood) cause you can't have a KANDAM laterly spelled KINGDOM without spilling some for booty aka Treasure aka Treasury in a world of Haughty self entitled self enamoured soDUMB and gaMORONs.
Let's let Children or careless or non caring adults or Zombified Bipeds raise our children and let's see how much different they become when far away from those that seeded them and Matrix of the Wombed them.
Can't just come out and say run to Mountains just yet and DE USA'ify or DE'Citify but get good clean air it'll give you a different perspective to be far away from the maddening crowds.
Also, if one can tolerate SPIRTO or 70-90% rubbing alcohol, breathing some of that can go right to lungs to burn viruses in there quickly if conventional medicines fail but you have to have a very strong immune system and be tough enough. It's unorthodox and case by case basis of course depending on Tolerance.
Why? The Brownian motion physics of transmission. When a virus has to travel farther aka go from body to body that's when it's at its weakest point and that's when you attack it. By trying to smell rubbing alcohol( Thx MOM!) you are exposing the virus to a purifying burn that kills it better than Alcohol consumption killed the non Spain originating by Ft Riley originating Spanish flu of 1918-1919. Prohibition times were broken to burn the virus where it's at which is why PROPOLIS( which the Bees make in repairing their hives) is best consumed with alcohol since guess what burns bacteria as well instead of giving people's drug more of it from CVS pharmacies? Yes very few remember truth in advernaming.
Since the shape of CV19 allows it to attach to as many cells as possible, one of the critical ways to attack it is to keep boost innate system immunity with Vitamin D3 which is what the body activates without sunlight where patients in hospitals get hardly any light unless ambient light which is not enough for photosynthesis of so many new cells during a war of attrition with a virus spreading like crazy like a Spartan 300 Phalanx shape. Without a supply of purified spring water new cells cannot
be generated fast enough for the body to fight and that is why patients are hooked to IV's but if there is no Vitamin D3 drop dripping as well as some vitamin C into the stomach the boosts must come from food. Puree of organic red bell peppers have more vitamin C than more acidic and reflux potentiating Orange juice which if not fresh squeezed has too many pasteurization additives that make it more toxic and provide less efficacy than simply juicing oranges does.
Go for the best punch since we need to improve innate immunity in all of the living earthlings lest we go deeper into the woods of uncertainty with more bodies piling up.
Putting more efforts holistically instead of trying on the pharma industry's methods of fix this problem by risking 10-100 problems where some will kill you is the highest level of Piled High and Deep soDUMB gaMORON HOODWINKING. Read the ingredients in all meds being injested and toss the ones that create more toxicity than they heal.
The brain is created with several other organs originally from the biggest organ which is the heart. It sends signals to allow the body to heal itself. puree organic boiled for 7 minutes or even 5 min running eggs into a blender and feed that way instead of gaMORONIC methods of puree of pancakes by a nurse to a relative with a collapsed lung causing her to aspirate and die after she recovered the day before. That's Angel of Death aka AZRA-EL type of even Anti Kevorkian Esprit de StLazy nursing that is of the criminal adverserial Shaitan aka SATAN behavior.
Drugging everyone and chemically treating every lawn or flushing out all insects with so many chemicals and then wondering why the itch why the rash why the infection is a soDUMB way to approach living unless we are truly seeking dying in an annoying and uncomfortable way.( Y-) x not ^ up but down SMH not ROFLMAO)
Toxicity = crooked X's Healing = + sign.
There's a the list of 30 natural foods and Herbs that counter Corona or what the Philippines did to kill it in hours or allow bad medicine to collapse the quantum wave function by over medicating. If your doctor looks sicker or less healthy than you and shows obvious visual decay unless they are very ancient, run away!
They need to practice properly first on themselves! If their practive is about collecting CHEMO multiple K's K's K's of $USD or EUR$USD's that's K's to knock you out and down for the count of life.
Father Time is undefeated for a very primary reason. Father OMEGA cannot be defeated because he is tasked with saving each and everyone that wants to be saved first from annihilation and eventually to a higher level consciousness of spiritual awakening of them OLD BONES that she left me with.
Toxicity = crooked X's Healing = + sign.
Most critical is having enough water(preferably less toxic) and emergency supplies. Honest prayer to invoke the help of Michael The Chief Commander( aka protector/defender) is very helpful as well.
Even Commanders in Chief eventually pray to Michael( MIKHA/MICHA = Mind) and EL( short for the 3 words notating the Most High is here) especially since his Golden Statue is right there on the non front side of the White House but the name is MIHEIL
Cleanliness is Godliness as they say. Pure alcohol or close enough in high proof alcohol can be used to sanitize as well when rubbed on hands but not ingested of course since this ain't a comedy right now.
Ghost writer's newsletter of clean body, clean mind, clean heart, clean spirit:
As the song lyric goes, "sanctify yourself"
As for Persons getting exposed to what is COVID19 NeufELCORONA, the best thing to do is to keep a brain functioning and not lobotomize it on St Patty's day cause germs spread faster when times are Merry-like in drunkenness.
PNEUMONIA is one of the major side effects. The positive is with it transferring from person to person, anti bodies are built up and it weakens. Negatives are any potential mutations that the body does not adapt to. Hidden benefits: continuous coughing forcibly expands lung capacity meaning more stamina. With the immune system fighting it, a body's natural weaknesses flare up. Everyone has their strengths and their weaknesses depending on which genetic code is more active and that partially depends on environment, inherited activities, genetic predisposition(mutated passed down DNA and cultural bias towards some foods and away from others) and of course how much cumulative exposure to Dark Waters(Movie Explains) Bad Air, Too much radiation from phones, electricity lines, Bad Water, Nuclear Centrifugal Bioweapon bi-product food additives(Trans Fats, HFCS,CornSyrup, MaltoDextrin(Chip Addictive Additive), Dextrose(see Watch Neon Graffiti Signs in "Stranger Things" for the Glyo followed by a half functional neon "pick up the" sign).
Lots depends on how many of these needless(long shelf life, short actual person's life) processed food additives were ingested. Persons that actually processed this far fully without tuning out are not yet lost causes to the dangerous additives trap. Readers are leaders. Breeders are milliliters if they refuse to read and open their eyes and hearts.
Some breakdown of ancient lingo.
Why would the G.O.D of Abraham be a God of the living if the perishing of the righteous exists in written form to confirm/conform or brainwash to submission based on Errant thought?
Isaiah is pronounced Achi-Ya (aka the one who sees the Most high or the Seer of the Most High since his visions are prophecies of the future from the date of origin but of the past as well depending on the temporal perspective of the originator who cannot be called I AM that I AM by the people otherwise they'll confuse each other, so they call him Yahoo-WA-H(literally that's him) and based on the lost pronunciation it becomes YHWH when it makes it down the pass the message lines eventually to Francis and his 50 Baconites of King James translation order. They say Shakespeare was the pen name of Francis Bacon). As for El Shaddai that could be The Shaddee or ElSadr aka breastplate or rock solid heart/protector depending on the pronunciation and writing since cracking the ancient Aramaic that is transfigured into Hebraic/Nabatean from original Aramaic/Arabic/G'eez lingo is quiet complex endeavor without hearing the proper sound the word makes over and over like a song you don't get the meaning till later Yes James Joycean Stream of Thought alive and well.
If you haven't tuned out the message,
Here are multiple instances of the word that F.Bacon's crew either mistranslated as "perishes" (אָבַ֖ד
’ā-ḇaḏ )could mean servant/slave or going far away or eternity depending on inflection of sound and cross reference its meaning vs other mentions.
It's not just a yea or nay binary simple statement of the Latin derived English language which is complex but nowhere near as complex as the Semitic scripts that make the various languages of the Levant and whose geometric transformation of words create Latin alphabet letters.
Proof in point, one can't just look at the letters and say the word is the same. The word ELOHIM is actually multiple words with completely differing meanings depending on the sound based pronunciation inflections denoted around the letters.
Back to the Perishing word that changes meaning here because of the little details missed by those who want to save us by riding on the wings of the Vaingloriously Bloody Wagner(Vaagner's Gabriel Knight Sins of the Fathers) Valkyrie to continue Thermo's dynamo of Ghost Riders in the Sky Hate and retaliate Operatico.
or as "shall not escape" (job 11-20) notice how the letters look the same?
At this point you have to rely on the indoctrination of no letter was modified in the words of the translation( which if they remained the same then they would not) but that still leaves the underlying problem:
If Francis Bacon's King James commissioned crew were working from the Inaccurate Greek translation or from original text and if so did they have native tongue speakers with them to assist in deciphering not just letters modified by script writing but sounds since the language of the Semites is literally what the word means "the ones that were named/listened" depending on who is originating.
Compared to Latin, the Semitic script that make up several modern languages but are actually just one disjointed language, well that can make peace break out like at the end of Don't mess with the Zohan. But since the Francis Shakespearean Baconite translated text states sudden destruction, is it implied an attack or a natural global event? Remains to be seen. Faith constantly questioned and prayed to with purity of heart can lead to fear of being an outcast if one is faced with 66 errant translations from one Deluded pre-eminent scholar source. The only defense is when the day comes, the real manifestation of Psalms 23 is fulfilled to its truest form of pure mind over the eternal consciousness's product that is matter. Since even at the end of "the Dark Knight" it says people deserve to have their faith rewarded and that is why the Mind(Mikha) of the Most High(El A'ALI' Houna) aka Michael the Chief Commander, rises as in the Mind of the acronym that is known as GOD is revealed just as the prophet DANI(Give)EL(Short for El A'ALI' Houna which when first biblically written down is a national revelation shortened to ELAHOUNA since people shorten)
Part of saying the name ANNA is another way of saying I AM that I AM ( ANNA ELI ANNA or shortened to Ana'li'Ana)
When praying, pray through the spirits of all of Earth's dearly departed and through all of the spirits of those yet to come and the eternal consciousness will touch your heart and open the eyes for truly there are none more blind than those that refuse to see that humanity cannot be saved from itself unless it decides to change and even then the Earth/Sun/Stars/Environment have their say in getting in our way whether we like it or not but if we invoke a higher level of consciousness like birds we can fly away in times of danger.
In the Garden of Non One(Eden/Forbidden/Forbotten) the most tempting product was made by Apple. The Snake whose limbs are chopped off and laying flat on its belly is visually a minus sign since a primitive humanity cannot yet fathom science so visual aids are given later to assist Newton and other Scientists in creating what is called Modern Science. Right there encrypted in an ancient set of manuscripts. Why is lifting up a cross (+ sign) every day better than those that crossed us with their crooked crosses aka X X X X X look at it from above to see that it is a crooked cross.
The real cross is being positive. You don't go to Doctors that have an X marks the spot but a bold + sign. Why? they want you to be positioned for positive results and survive. If they wanted you processed for an x86' interment they'd radiate your lap with a permanent laptop or burn your head with a phone right in your ear or give you chemo when you have a hormonal cancer that can only be treated with radiation and a detox of hormone boosters when trapped in the be fearless city of brotherly love and dying on a day a certain player wearing the number beating a team for a playoff position being related and then not being able to apply the Water Tower's Mathew Broderick Bueler's day off FTL message before the entire line of the named Water tower disappears. And when on Birthday of said Water towered relative another dear relative departs the coincidence continue to multiply exponentially like a life lived before repeatedly while trying to resolve a paradox time loop that caused the annihilation of humanity but that is what the movie will be about so end digression effect.
As at the End of Dark Knight Rises, Faith Must be rewarded otherwise the original Promise is a lie and the Most High who has arrived and or come on down from the Heights( the original full meaning before it was condensed into what became the biblical written "ELAHOUNA" as one of many names) made a liar by forgers masquerading as Pagan Solar Edifiers who twisted the translation of El 3Ali Houna aka Elahouna aka Elah aka EL super short but mistaken as a singular name only when it can also be The)
Pagan Solar Deities were prayed to to Victor Kaiser or Caesar and not the poor of finance or of spirit or of health or those who lost the fight due to heavy weights( what is mis-googlefied as "SHEOL with the singular weight being known as SA'EEL but when a language is professed to be a lost language by foremost authorities having not asked the people that are still living today speaking it in the original land the question must be asked: what kind of a controlled reality are we living in? A hypnotic one where fallacies are codified as truth by errant authority figures?)
How much Fur will Pharaoh wear if his exploits of being pleased by the pussification process described in Genesis 12:15 edification of the prostitution process described within:|
It's straight out of UTAH for the Mormon. UTA'H = "Her Pussy".apropos for a banally vacuous Patriarchal dominated society obsessed with penetrating as many UTAH's as there are steeds in their barns. Again the controlled simulation of this reality as Einstein alluded to starts to scratch the back of the mind.
Here's the real translation of the verse and why women are separated from men during such self evident liturgies: |
Genesis 12-15 as codified for the primitives by primitives:
And They saw her Pussy please Pharaoh and they praised her Pussy to the Pharaoh and she is (fucked/screwed/penetrated aka denegrated 4 booty) this woman in the House of Pharaoh. Laddies and Gents, I, SERPICO, rust my briefcase that Abraham aka Ab rum was a nomadic pimp who moved from town to town prostituting his wife/half sister and who knows what else. And he was better than most back then should send shivering thoughts.
Only after "Wealth"(ThuraY being named SARAI before being renamed Sarah) gave the Fur adorned Pharaoh a sexually transmitted disease was the whole deed of what really occurred certified. Proof that the word
AB RAHAM also means Father(AB) of "Womb" and not just forgiveness dependent on the inflection of RAHAM.
Arrival at the term Pussy and not just a denoting of "her" is cross referenced in several other verses in other books where a Man tells another Man I could have given her Pussy to him but I'll give her to you instead. Patriarchal platitude of petrified primitivity.
Way too many thousands of hours need to be spent by learned scholars to continue to analyze lost writings and not just sacred or secret knowlege or Gnosis.
Many more are needed to properly translate the words properly for the first time for the modern world that has lost its compass.
It needs a scholarly consortium lead by noble causes and not Media attention whoredomification since the Physics law of Optics is clear: An Image is inverted(1/X) and virtual as it is seen and only due to the fact that the optic nerve also inverts before going to the head to make it appear back to normal is a metaphor for trust not with your prejudiced eyes but with your heart and not from seconds or minutes of sound bytes because everyone wants to present a better image of themselves because as the Song goes. If you want it you got to believe cause it's all just a game we just want to be loved.
QUEUE STREAMS OF RUN UPON TIRED LATE NIGHT THOUGHTS. Speaking of which good circulation requires clean water 30 min before bed and as soon as waking. (Here it is different as well because what you see as little consonants are different therefor they lead to a different sound.
It is a hard pill to swallow to admit that the Mass delusion of Worshipfull Massed Masses that is prophesied and feared has already occurred in plain sight with virtue signaled vaingloriously inaccurate brain wash induction ceremonies washing brains to what is a righteous visage vs unrighteous. What about those whom childhood scarlet fever have fated them to two hair colors before onset of the 3rd?
when the swindle of the most pre-eminent forgers of history was bought part and parcel by billions of poor souls since they trusted their King's authority(who wouldn't "trust" a king who can enforce death upon their populace as the world was exiting the middle ages). Alas, the Promise is fulfilled by the awakening AND CORRECTING of the eyes SAH'YI'YOUN( what's mistranslated as ZION).
It's 20/20 after all( up to 20/5 now and improving personally from a corrected frail and imperfectly myopic vision of -7 4eyeZdomain) The Year we correctly start to see what is righteous from what is losterous and vaingloriously boisterous cause from the Valley of the Son of Hanam( aka Gehenam aka Hell) garbage dump outside of they shall see peace (YeruSalem) the question must be begged, is the place Holy because of all the bullet and munition holes left behind?
From Gehena to the Throne'd drones, the road is fastest traveled without a loan or with unbearable loans since even the Death Pledge( aka Mortgage) is not properly quantified in today's debt serfdom reality.
Right here right now the GOD of THIS World is
Learn to pronounce
wealth regarded as an evil influence or false object of worship and devotion. It was taken by medieval writers as the name of the devil of covetousness, and revived in this sense by Milton.
"others have forsaken Mammon in search of something on a more spiritual plane"
AKA M'AK ' MOON aka Secured/Securities cause we all need to be secured from our security. Well the more secured the more MOAT we have and in Semitic a MOAT is literally Death.
A Castle is also Kassel aka Laziness for lots of it goes about in Castles surrounded by large eventual MOATS.
In order not to become a Y-(aka fake believer) in holding your hands up and sing "pray help from above"
Remember X's and crooked and fake x's by grand self or societal or us vs them delusional belief is worse than no belief at all. As well as taking all these words as 100% perfectly accurate. perfection is its own deadly prideful vice.
So seek to be sanctified of fear, hate, anger, anguish, solemness, loneliness, depression, oppression, repression whether sexual or physical or spiritual or real or virtually imagined.......
Not Puritanically but purified spiritually to tolerate one another without hate and retaliate due to fear, oppression, theft, and all other forms of theft whether of truth of righteousness, of equality, of fraternity or sisterhood or majority or minimalism or forgiving criminality once its root causes are uncovered aka who is raising children if Adults behave like children asking their children to raise them and children think they are already adults without reproach for have we over entitled them to repair for our being under entitled?
Where is the Love? You will find it where you find balance away from crookedness and towards humility and competing not against each other but competing to help each other cause that is a heavy burden that weighs down even the broadest of shoulders to do it while facing the puzzled looks of scoffers but not constant humiliation either of self or others cause self pity can be its own death spiral as oppressive as the heartlessness of those that choose to oppress based on ideologies of hate whether indoctrinated in books or by visual vainglorious validation.
The best Defense in Depth protocol = Learn not to offend and apply it or limit your offense as much as possible as to limit the hate and retaliate and eventually eliminate and rise to a higher consciousness and its physical equivalent. And offend only to rebuke starting with rebuking one's self by doing constant error correction checks like a ECC computer chip does when serving vital needs of virtualized deeds running via decentralized to cloude-ly centralized feeds.
So there's so much more words to be understood but conquerors with non altruistic motivations are not given the encrypted keys to the ANTI-Kingdom that is of the heart and soul and mind.
Har Magido = Har/MA/G/DOE aka Valley of His Glory aka Armageddon as one of many meanings.
Well if it's a valley of future dead bodies, what if those dead bodies are all eventually arisen or what if it is spiritually dead bodies whose eyes are opened and led to a higher level harmonic state of existence beyond the basic laws of for every action and equal and opposite reaction tit for tat?
The true aim of the highest forms of Science is to prove beyond the shadow of a doubt the existence of the Eternal and the Afterlife that is a higher state of being than the current hate and retaliate existence plaguing humanity.
Learn to pronounce
plural noun: consonants
a basic speech sound in which the breath is at least partly obstructed and which can be combined with a vowel to form a syllable.
a letter representing a consonant.
(Don't take these quotes too seriously since they were a James Joyce Stream Of Consciousness chanced picks to validate that word correctly or not)
Since People only really believe and are waiting for participating in a big Theatrical show, they will need to see what the original meaning for the Most High visually means. For that the purest form of faith in this shared Oasis of a Reality needed and daily personal sacrifice in helping others especially when they are not appreciative for only then are we doing the will of the spirit that manifested all realities into being since this Universe has equations that predict its eventual expiration and not just expiration of sub-components.
Full Credit to better halves for providing most health tips compiled here.
From a Fortress of Solitude with a no longer dehydrated and hence no longer achy back proof reading editors edit by all means relaxation beckons for these woods appear too deep for all the promises to keep :-)
What's next: To Scientifically provide a proof to Unified Field Theory Equations of a Global awakening of Consciousness among-st other things:
The Lambda is a biped walking or an 0stRICH digging its head in the sand! Y+ = Positive positioning of higher level consciousness. Y- = Negative negation of low end theory application of primitive behavior.
Lorentz transformation equations that Einstein quantified into Relativistic Motion Physics provide visual proofs of the Fiery Steed-hood of an object travelling at near the speed of light! Not fantasy but Science of the times for the times they are a changin'
In Times of Great Trouble like these, contrite and pure of heart prayer is akin to real salvation here and now.
First and foremost, read with a sense of levity and humor in order to boost your immune system. Reading with Gloom and doom causes cessation of breathing which causes hyper tension which extinguishes life slowly when the heart is robbed of the ability to breath.
One way to quickly battle sudden onset high fever is ice packs on the head and neck especially for prolonged bouts of forgetting to get some shade leading to Sun strokes.
Organic Bananas, organic made by hand chicken soup with clean broth, Organic Garlic( Or even capsules if a person runs out) Fresh squeezed Orange Juice, Organic Nuts and Grains, ProPolis Alcoholic laced(better absorption) Drops, Liquid Vitamin D3 drops, good relaxing music on headphones, consciously breathing and not panicking, raw natural honey instead of refined sugar if you must sweetify the tooth and not arguing too much or speaking for too long without taking a breath. Hating also weighs down the body and the mind and soul.
Non Organic stuff likely has higher traces of Glyophosates ( the cancer causing agent in Roundup that Monsanto got sued for and its now Parent company Bayer has stock piles of needing to make profit by stuffing it into as many products as possible hoping soDUMBed down and gaMORONIC consumers know not better and fall for the latest fads easier. Again failing to show proper leadership by valuing transient material wealth over souls that do not expire but transfer to another state of being.
Wanting too many pretty lawns took us down roads to paralyzed cities where they GAS the GREENS and the GIRLS are PETTY.
Talk about these only for profit and pridefully insolent Sigh-entists still walking like an Egyptian in mentality of preservation of only physical weights of what is known as wealth but not caring about the mental state nor the spirit nor the soul of individuals.
All the money in the World is not saving the World right now just making it a more dangerous and less trust worthy world.
The World has lost its way when the leaders of nations call their citizens consumers first and care more about markets than they care about their citizens whose labor creates those markets and opportunities for exploitation.
Not to go Marxian Marxist since neither did they implement their own flawed ideals but wanted to take from the hard work of others while they pontificated about sharing.
When people can no longer trust any of their leaders to do anything for them, they know they are on their own and then they become alienated and even when the boy who cried wolf media agents and their twisted materially wealthy but spiritually vacuous controllers start telling the truth, it's too late and it gives you a beta test case for the film 12 Monkeys to play out.
In a Bizzaro World you can't make any nation great or change it with any hope whether through Controlled News Networks or Faux News networks if it's physically, spiritually(dispirited/soul sucked/had enough/downtrodden aka beware of that which kills the spirit! aka pointless fear based work or negative virtue circle work or hatericide), and morally sick( which could mean faking morality aka Y- in a certain UFT equation).
In another language News means "ouch"(Akh) and all the blah blah blah(Bar). Levity as a free 24 hr immunity boost is the first step. harmonic music is also a free immune booster and lack of laziness as in no emotion without motion is mandatory.
In this Bizzaro World where Lex Luthor(Rex Looter/Rex Rotto Rooter?) is ROHTUL/XEL backwards aka in Semitic: L'esprit De StLazy aka Laziness/idle handedness is the biggest killer of the soul/spirit first before the rot in a corpse's shell body appears when we don't have the soul for getting down aka stop being so rigid and let go of it all and just be free as in express yourself in an artisitc non violent way if possible.
Laziness makes the Donkefied A$$es sit down and atrophy as indoctrinated Cubicle Zombies bent on only consuming as they are told to consume.
Why so Lazy? Check food additives, Too many hydrocholrinated acid Meds that hurt more than help, places where 80-20 principle becomes 90-10 when improperly applied.
How can people made to do spirit and soul sucking redundant rudimentary tasks be so dis-spirited and only wake up when their lives are at stake but often when it's too late? Aka Baptismo Del Fuego Del Corona or Solar or Rockets or Hail or insert your adversity here.....z
Now to back 2 basics medical defenses from the Old World that the haughty and clueless-ly cavalier New World think is 3rd_ified:
Nasal blockers such as ZICAM or generic equivalents can stop replication of certain viruses by plugging pores but if hoarded leave few for all.
Sudden onset sore throat can be countered with non toxic sorbet(low temps vital) or least chemically treated ice cream but stay away from Nuclear weapons 6iproduct 0% sweeteners Ask Rumsfeld He knows.
Staying away from bad processed foods is critical especially what they put in fast food to create the addictive craving. Also, Whole Foods Italian Still Water is best to keep away from US water which has lots of dirty stuff including seepage of traces of Glyophosate from all the "Round Up" use that is still there in soil.
A Nation so proud of its liberty of the individual but enslaved to its proclivity to not want to make its own meal now if ever.
Microwave nuking is L'Esprit De StLazy aka laziness the biggest killer since sloth is right there as its paramour.
Worst case scenarios death comes and then life again so worry is left to those whose job it is to worry about others not just self.
Easiest way to clean dirty water = activated charcoal especially if that dirty water is ingested and tummy turns. Clean clay from good soil also is a neutralizer but As Working Girl Gothamitic Film soundtracking Carly Simon sings: the New JeruSalam almost sarcastically because all it took was 7 hours of no electricity for New York to turn into bedlam in 2003.
Why? The individual lobotomized to only care about its own survival replicated by 8-9 million times creates absolute Chaos for the other 1 million or so not lobotomized and trying to help maintain civil order whether deputized or volunteering.
The Original Word is Yeru(They Shall See) Salam( Peace) begging the question: Will we ever if Man/Woman continues to kill Woman/Man or if Nature one ups in joining this 2nd law of thermodynamics aka Thermo's Dynamo?
Can Human beings be considered truly sentient if they continue to behave only according to the Bible's original source of what later became Newton's 2nd law of Thermodynamics of for every action and equal and opposite reaction aka hate/retaliate, attack.counterattack?
What good is humanity aka Homo-sapiens sapiens aka Beni Adam where the K is silent aka Beni (K)Adam or Sons of Bipeds if it continues to practice not what it preaches?
K is silent above to soften the pronunciation and imply that the naming Adam is to signify first Biped after other experiments yielded quadpeds.
Gardening the Eden. Ga'Neet A'dan aka Craziness/Paradise of No One(Eden/Forbiden/Frobottten aka in the Garden of Non One = The Wretchedly fallen state of Man/Woman/Child etc....who blinded all is King of a Kingdom aka KanDam aka there was blood(Kan = was) (Dam = Blood) cause you can't have a KANDAM laterly spelled KINGDOM without spilling some for booty aka Treasure aka Treasury in a world of Haughty self entitled self enamoured soDUMB and gaMORONs.
Let's let Children or careless or non caring adults or Zombified Bipeds raise our children and let's see how much different they become when far away from those that seeded them and Matrix of the Wombed them.
Can't just come out and say run to Mountains just yet and DE USA'ify or DE'Citify but get good clean air it'll give you a different perspective to be far away from the maddening crowds.
Also, if one can tolerate SPIRTO or 70-90% rubbing alcohol, breathing some of that can go right to lungs to burn viruses in there quickly if conventional medicines fail but you have to have a very strong immune system and be tough enough. It's unorthodox and case by case basis of course depending on Tolerance.
Why? The Brownian motion physics of transmission. When a virus has to travel farther aka go from body to body that's when it's at its weakest point and that's when you attack it. By trying to smell rubbing alcohol( Thx MOM!) you are exposing the virus to a purifying burn that kills it better than Alcohol consumption killed the non Spain originating by Ft Riley originating Spanish flu of 1918-1919. Prohibition times were broken to burn the virus where it's at which is why PROPOLIS( which the Bees make in repairing their hives) is best consumed with alcohol since guess what burns bacteria as well instead of giving people's drug more of it from CVS pharmacies? Yes very few remember truth in advernaming.
Since the shape of CV19 allows it to attach to as many cells as possible, one of the critical ways to attack it is to keep boost innate system immunity with Vitamin D3 which is what the body activates without sunlight where patients in hospitals get hardly any light unless ambient light which is not enough for photosynthesis of so many new cells during a war of attrition with a virus spreading like crazy like a Spartan 300 Phalanx shape. Without a supply of purified spring water new cells cannot
be generated fast enough for the body to fight and that is why patients are hooked to IV's but if there is no Vitamin D3 drop dripping as well as some vitamin C into the stomach the boosts must come from food. Puree of organic red bell peppers have more vitamin C than more acidic and reflux potentiating Orange juice which if not fresh squeezed has too many pasteurization additives that make it more toxic and provide less efficacy than simply juicing oranges does.
Go for the best punch since we need to improve innate immunity in all of the living earthlings lest we go deeper into the woods of uncertainty with more bodies piling up.
Putting more efforts holistically instead of trying on the pharma industry's methods of fix this problem by risking 10-100 problems where some will kill you is the highest level of Piled High and Deep soDUMB gaMORON HOODWINKING. Read the ingredients in all meds being injested and toss the ones that create more toxicity than they heal.
The brain is created with several other organs originally from the biggest organ which is the heart. It sends signals to allow the body to heal itself. puree organic boiled for 7 minutes or even 5 min running eggs into a blender and feed that way instead of gaMORONIC methods of puree of pancakes by a nurse to a relative with a collapsed lung causing her to aspirate and die after she recovered the day before. That's Angel of Death aka AZRA-EL type of even Anti Kevorkian Esprit de StLazy nursing that is of the criminal adverserial Shaitan aka SATAN behavior.
Drugging everyone and chemically treating every lawn or flushing out all insects with so many chemicals and then wondering why the itch why the rash why the infection is a soDUMB way to approach living unless we are truly seeking dying in an annoying and uncomfortable way.( Y-) x not ^ up but down SMH not ROFLMAO)
Toxicity = crooked X's Healing = + sign.
There's a the list of 30 natural foods and Herbs that counter Corona or what the Philippines did to kill it in hours or allow bad medicine to collapse the quantum wave function by over medicating. If your doctor looks sicker or less healthy than you and shows obvious visual decay unless they are very ancient, run away!
They need to practice properly first on themselves! If their practive is about collecting CHEMO multiple K's K's K's of $USD or EUR$USD's that's K's to knock you out and down for the count of life.
Father Time is undefeated for a very primary reason. Father OMEGA cannot be defeated because he is tasked with saving each and everyone that wants to be saved first from annihilation and eventually to a higher level consciousness of spiritual awakening of them OLD BONES that she left me with.
Toxicity = crooked X's Healing = + sign.
Most critical is having enough water(preferably less toxic) and emergency supplies. Honest prayer to invoke the help of Michael The Chief Commander( aka protector/defender) is very helpful as well.
Even Commanders in Chief eventually pray to Michael( MIKHA/MICHA = Mind) and EL( short for the 3 words notating the Most High is here) especially since his Golden Statue is right there on the non front side of the White House but the name is MIHEIL
Cleanliness is Godliness as they say. Pure alcohol or close enough in high proof alcohol can be used to sanitize as well when rubbed on hands but not ingested of course since this ain't a comedy right now.
Ghost writer's newsletter of clean body, clean mind, clean heart, clean spirit:
As the song lyric goes, "sanctify yourself"
As for Persons getting exposed to what is COVID19 NeufELCORONA, the best thing to do is to keep a brain functioning and not lobotomize it on St Patty's day cause germs spread faster when times are Merry-like in drunkenness.
PNEUMONIA is one of the major side effects. The positive is with it transferring from person to person, anti bodies are built up and it weakens. Negatives are any potential mutations that the body does not adapt to. Hidden benefits: continuous coughing forcibly expands lung capacity meaning more stamina. With the immune system fighting it, a body's natural weaknesses flare up. Everyone has their strengths and their weaknesses depending on which genetic code is more active and that partially depends on environment, inherited activities, genetic predisposition(mutated passed down DNA and cultural bias towards some foods and away from others) and of course how much cumulative exposure to Dark Waters(Movie Explains) Bad Air, Too much radiation from phones, electricity lines, Bad Water, Nuclear Centrifugal Bioweapon bi-product food additives(Trans Fats, HFCS,CornSyrup, MaltoDextrin(Chip Addictive Additive), Dextrose(see Watch Neon Graffiti Signs in "Stranger Things" for the Glyo followed by a half functional neon "pick up the" sign).
Lots depends on how many of these needless(long shelf life, short actual person's life) processed food additives were ingested. Persons that actually processed this far fully without tuning out are not yet lost causes to the dangerous additives trap. Readers are leaders. Breeders are milliliters if they refuse to read and open their eyes and hearts.
Some breakdown of ancient lingo.
Why would the G.O.D of Abraham be a God of the living if the perishing of the righteous exists in written form to confirm/conform or brainwash to submission based on Errant thought?
Isaiah is pronounced Achi-Ya (aka the one who sees the Most high or the Seer of the Most High since his visions are prophecies of the future from the date of origin but of the past as well depending on the temporal perspective of the originator who cannot be called I AM that I AM by the people otherwise they'll confuse each other, so they call him Yahoo-WA-H(literally that's him) and based on the lost pronunciation it becomes YHWH when it makes it down the pass the message lines eventually to Francis and his 50 Baconites of King James translation order. They say Shakespeare was the pen name of Francis Bacon). As for El Shaddai that could be The Shaddee or ElSadr aka breastplate or rock solid heart/protector depending on the pronunciation and writing since cracking the ancient Aramaic that is transfigured into Hebraic/Nabatean from original Aramaic/Arabic/G'eez lingo is quiet complex endeavor without hearing the proper sound the word makes over and over like a song you don't get the meaning till later Yes James Joycean Stream of Thought alive and well.
If you haven't tuned out the message,
Here are multiple instances of the word that F.Bacon's crew either mistranslated as "perishes" (אָבַ֖ד
’ā-ḇaḏ )could mean servant/slave or going far away or eternity depending on inflection of sound and cross reference its meaning vs other mentions.
It's not just a yea or nay binary simple statement of the Latin derived English language which is complex but nowhere near as complex as the Semitic scripts that make the various languages of the Levant and whose geometric transformation of words create Latin alphabet letters.
Proof in point, one can't just look at the letters and say the word is the same. The word ELOHIM is actually multiple words with completely differing meanings depending on the sound based pronunciation inflections denoted around the letters.
Back to the Perishing word that changes meaning here because of the little details missed by those who want to save us by riding on the wings of the Vaingloriously Bloody Wagner(Vaagner's Gabriel Knight Sins of the Fathers) Valkyrie to continue Thermo's dynamo of Ghost Riders in the Sky Hate and retaliate Operatico.
or as "shall not escape" (job 11-20) notice how the letters look the same?
At this point you have to rely on the indoctrination of no letter was modified in the words of the translation( which if they remained the same then they would not) but that still leaves the underlying problem:
If Francis Bacon's King James commissioned crew were working from the Inaccurate Greek translation or from original text and if so did they have native tongue speakers with them to assist in deciphering not just letters modified by script writing but sounds since the language of the Semites is literally what the word means "the ones that were named/listened" depending on who is originating.
Compared to Latin, the Semitic script that make up several modern languages but are actually just one disjointed language, well that can make peace break out like at the end of Don't mess with the Zohan. But since the Francis Shakespearean Baconite translated text states sudden destruction, is it implied an attack or a natural global event? Remains to be seen. Faith constantly questioned and prayed to with purity of heart can lead to fear of being an outcast if one is faced with 66 errant translations from one Deluded pre-eminent scholar source. The only defense is when the day comes, the real manifestation of Psalms 23 is fulfilled to its truest form of pure mind over the eternal consciousness's product that is matter. Since even at the end of "the Dark Knight" it says people deserve to have their faith rewarded and that is why the Mind(Mikha) of the Most High(El A'ALI' Houna) aka Michael the Chief Commander, rises as in the Mind of the acronym that is known as GOD is revealed just as the prophet DANI(Give)EL(Short for El A'ALI' Houna which when first biblically written down is a national revelation shortened to ELAHOUNA since people shorten)
Part of saying the name ANNA is another way of saying I AM that I AM ( ANNA ELI ANNA or shortened to Ana'li'Ana)
When praying, pray through the spirits of all of Earth's dearly departed and through all of the spirits of those yet to come and the eternal consciousness will touch your heart and open the eyes for truly there are none more blind than those that refuse to see that humanity cannot be saved from itself unless it decides to change and even then the Earth/Sun/Stars/Environment have their say in getting in our way whether we like it or not but if we invoke a higher level of consciousness like birds we can fly away in times of danger.
In the Garden of Non One(Eden/Forbidden/Forbotten) the most tempting product was made by Apple. The Snake whose limbs are chopped off and laying flat on its belly is visually a minus sign since a primitive humanity cannot yet fathom science so visual aids are given later to assist Newton and other Scientists in creating what is called Modern Science. Right there encrypted in an ancient set of manuscripts. Why is lifting up a cross (+ sign) every day better than those that crossed us with their crooked crosses aka X X X X X look at it from above to see that it is a crooked cross.
The real cross is being positive. You don't go to Doctors that have an X marks the spot but a bold + sign. Why? they want you to be positioned for positive results and survive. If they wanted you processed for an x86' interment they'd radiate your lap with a permanent laptop or burn your head with a phone right in your ear or give you chemo when you have a hormonal cancer that can only be treated with radiation and a detox of hormone boosters when trapped in the be fearless city of brotherly love and dying on a day a certain player wearing the number beating a team for a playoff position being related and then not being able to apply the Water Tower's Mathew Broderick Bueler's day off FTL message before the entire line of the named Water tower disappears. And when on Birthday of said Water towered relative another dear relative departs the coincidence continue to multiply exponentially like a life lived before repeatedly while trying to resolve a paradox time loop that caused the annihilation of humanity but that is what the movie will be about so end digression effect.
As at the End of Dark Knight Rises, Faith Must be rewarded otherwise the original Promise is a lie and the Most High who has arrived and or come on down from the Heights( the original full meaning before it was condensed into what became the biblical written "ELAHOUNA" as one of many names) made a liar by forgers masquerading as Pagan Solar Edifiers who twisted the translation of El 3Ali Houna aka Elahouna aka Elah aka EL super short but mistaken as a singular name only when it can also be The)
Pagan Solar Deities were prayed to to Victor Kaiser or Caesar and not the poor of finance or of spirit or of health or those who lost the fight due to heavy weights( what is mis-googlefied as "SHEOL with the singular weight being known as SA'EEL but when a language is professed to be a lost language by foremost authorities having not asked the people that are still living today speaking it in the original land the question must be asked: what kind of a controlled reality are we living in? A hypnotic one where fallacies are codified as truth by errant authority figures?)
How much Fur will Pharaoh wear if his exploits of being pleased by the pussification process described in Genesis 12:15 edification of the prostitution process described within:|
It's straight out of UTAH for the Mormon. UTA'H = "Her Pussy".apropos for a banally vacuous Patriarchal dominated society obsessed with penetrating as many UTAH's as there are steeds in their barns. Again the controlled simulation of this reality as Einstein alluded to starts to scratch the back of the mind.
Here's the real translation of the verse and why women are separated from men during such self evident liturgies: |
Genesis 12-15 as codified for the primitives by primitives:
And They saw her Pussy please Pharaoh and they praised her Pussy to the Pharaoh and she is (fucked/screwed/penetrated aka denegrated 4 booty) this woman in the House of Pharaoh. Laddies and Gents, I, SERPICO, rust my briefcase that Abraham aka Ab rum was a nomadic pimp who moved from town to town prostituting his wife/half sister and who knows what else. And he was better than most back then should send shivering thoughts.
Only after "Wealth"(ThuraY being named SARAI before being renamed Sarah) gave the Fur adorned Pharaoh a sexually transmitted disease was the whole deed of what really occurred certified. Proof that the word
AB RAHAM also means Father(AB) of "Womb" and not just forgiveness dependent on the inflection of RAHAM.
אֹתָהּ֙ ’ō-ṯāh |
Arrival at the term Pussy and not just a denoting of "her" is cross referenced in several other verses in other books where a Man tells another Man I could have given her Pussy to him but I'll give her to you instead. Patriarchal platitude of petrified primitivity.
Way too many thousands of hours need to be spent by learned scholars to continue to analyze lost writings and not just sacred or secret knowlege or Gnosis.
Many more are needed to properly translate the words properly for the first time for the modern world that has lost its compass.
It needs a scholarly consortium lead by noble causes and not Media attention whoredomification since the Physics law of Optics is clear: An Image is inverted(1/X) and virtual as it is seen and only due to the fact that the optic nerve also inverts before going to the head to make it appear back to normal is a metaphor for trust not with your prejudiced eyes but with your heart and not from seconds or minutes of sound bytes because everyone wants to present a better image of themselves because as the Song goes. If you want it you got to believe cause it's all just a game we just want to be loved.
QUEUE STREAMS OF RUN UPON TIRED LATE NIGHT THOUGHTS. Speaking of which good circulation requires clean water 30 min before bed and as soon as waking. (Here it is different as well because what you see as little consonants are different therefor they lead to a different sound.
It is a hard pill to swallow to admit that the Mass delusion of Worshipfull Massed Masses that is prophesied and feared has already occurred in plain sight with virtue signaled vaingloriously inaccurate brain wash induction ceremonies washing brains to what is a righteous visage vs unrighteous. What about those whom childhood scarlet fever have fated them to two hair colors before onset of the 3rd?
when the swindle of the most pre-eminent forgers of history was bought part and parcel by billions of poor souls since they trusted their King's authority(who wouldn't "trust" a king who can enforce death upon their populace as the world was exiting the middle ages). Alas, the Promise is fulfilled by the awakening AND CORRECTING of the eyes SAH'YI'YOUN( what's mistranslated as ZION).
It's 20/20 after all( up to 20/5 now and improving personally from a corrected frail and imperfectly myopic vision of -7 4eyeZdomain) The Year we correctly start to see what is righteous from what is losterous and vaingloriously boisterous cause from the Valley of the Son of Hanam( aka Gehenam aka Hell) garbage dump outside of they shall see peace (YeruSalem) the question must be begged, is the place Holy because of all the bullet and munition holes left behind?
From Gehena to the Throne'd drones, the road is fastest traveled without a loan or with unbearable loans since even the Death Pledge( aka Mortgage) is not properly quantified in today's debt serfdom reality.
Right here right now the GOD of THIS World is
Learn to pronounce
wealth regarded as an evil influence or false object of worship and devotion. It was taken by medieval writers as the name of the devil of covetousness, and revived in this sense by Milton.
"others have forsaken Mammon in search of something on a more spiritual plane"
AKA M'AK ' MOON aka Secured/Securities cause we all need to be secured from our security. Well the more secured the more MOAT we have and in Semitic a MOAT is literally Death.
A Castle is also Kassel aka Laziness for lots of it goes about in Castles surrounded by large eventual MOATS.
past tense: securitized; past participle: securitized
- convert (an asset, especially a loan) into marketable securities, typically for the purpose of raising cash by selling them to other investors.
In order not to become a Y-(aka fake believer) in holding your hands up and sing "pray help from above"
Remember X's and crooked and fake x's by grand self or societal or us vs them delusional belief is worse than no belief at all. As well as taking all these words as 100% perfectly accurate. perfection is its own deadly prideful vice.
So seek to be sanctified of fear, hate, anger, anguish, solemness, loneliness, depression, oppression, repression whether sexual or physical or spiritual or real or virtually imagined.......
Not Puritanically but purified spiritually to tolerate one another without hate and retaliate due to fear, oppression, theft, and all other forms of theft whether of truth of righteousness, of equality, of fraternity or sisterhood or majority or minimalism or forgiving criminality once its root causes are uncovered aka who is raising children if Adults behave like children asking their children to raise them and children think they are already adults without reproach for have we over entitled them to repair for our being under entitled?
Where is the Love? You will find it where you find balance away from crookedness and towards humility and competing not against each other but competing to help each other cause that is a heavy burden that weighs down even the broadest of shoulders to do it while facing the puzzled looks of scoffers but not constant humiliation either of self or others cause self pity can be its own death spiral as oppressive as the heartlessness of those that choose to oppress based on ideologies of hate whether indoctrinated in books or by visual vainglorious validation.
The best Defense in Depth protocol = Learn not to offend and apply it or limit your offense as much as possible as to limit the hate and retaliate and eventually eliminate and rise to a higher consciousness and its physical equivalent. And offend only to rebuke starting with rebuking one's self by doing constant error correction checks like a ECC computer chip does when serving vital needs of virtualized deeds running via decentralized to cloude-ly centralized feeds.
So there's so much more words to be understood but conquerors with non altruistic motivations are not given the encrypted keys to the ANTI-Kingdom that is of the heart and soul and mind.
Har Magido = Har/MA/G/DOE aka Valley of His Glory aka Armageddon as one of many meanings.
Well if it's a valley of future dead bodies, what if those dead bodies are all eventually arisen or what if it is spiritually dead bodies whose eyes are opened and led to a higher level harmonic state of existence beyond the basic laws of for every action and equal and opposite reaction tit for tat?
The true aim of the highest forms of Science is to prove beyond the shadow of a doubt the existence of the Eternal and the Afterlife that is a higher state of being than the current hate and retaliate existence plaguing humanity.
Learn to pronounce
plural noun: consonants
a basic speech sound in which the breath is at least partly obstructed and which can be combined with a vowel to form a syllable.
a letter representing a consonant.
(Don't take these quotes too seriously since they were a James Joyce Stream Of Consciousness chanced picks to validate that word correctly or not)
Since People only really believe and are waiting for participating in a big Theatrical show, they will need to see what the original meaning for the Most High visually means. For that the purest form of faith in this shared Oasis of a Reality needed and daily personal sacrifice in helping others especially when they are not appreciative for only then are we doing the will of the spirit that manifested all realities into being since this Universe has equations that predict its eventual expiration and not just expiration of sub-components.
Full Credit to better halves for providing most health tips compiled here.
From a Fortress of Solitude with a no longer dehydrated and hence no longer achy back proof reading editors edit by all means relaxation beckons for these woods appear too deep for all the promises to keep :-)
What's next: To Scientifically provide a proof to Unified Field Theory Equations of a Global awakening of Consciousness among-st other things:
The Lambda is a biped walking or an 0stRICH digging its head in the sand! Y+ = Positive positioning of higher level consciousness. Y- = Negative negation of low end theory application of primitive behavior.
Lorentz transformation equations that Einstein quantified into Relativistic Motion Physics provide visual proofs of the Fiery Steed-hood of an object travelling at near the speed of light! Not fantasy but Science of the times for the times they are a changin'
Governed by a global event
under the universal topology, an operational environment is initiated by the scalar fields
of a rank-0 tensor, a differentiable function of a complex variable in its domain at its zero derivative, where a scalar function
is characterized as a single magnitude with variable components of the respective coordinate sets
Because a field is incepted or operated under either virtual or physical primacy of an
manifold respectively and simultaneously, each point of the fields is entangled with and appears as a conjugate function of the scalar field
in its opponent manifold. A field can be classified as a scalar field, a vector field, or a tensor field according to whether the represented physical horizon is at a scope of scalar, vector, or tensor potentials, respectively.
Therefore, at the scalar potentials, the effects are stationary projected to and communicated from their reciprocal opponent, shown as the following conjugate pairs:
where * denotes a complex conjugate. A conjugate field
of the
scalar potential is mapped to a field in the
manifold, and vice versa that a conjugate field
of the
scalar potential is mapped to a field in the
manifold. In mathematics, if f(z) is a holomorphic function restricted to the Real Numbers, it has the complex conjugate properties of f (z) = f *(z*), which leads to the above equation when
is satisfied.
In Times of Great Trouble like these, contrite and pure of heart prayer is akin to real salvation here and now.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Glory to Gloria in the Highest- LAURA BRANIGAN / UMBERTO TOZZI - stereo
It may surprise some people that Umberto Tozzi's version came first and is a lot more insightful than the Laura Brannigan edition that used Elizabeth Taylor's Butterfield 8 character to disguise what is really a very inspiring message!
The Most recent visible inspiration drawn from this song is the immaculate turnaround season of the St Louis Blues from bottom of the National Hockey League to its eventual first time Stanley Cup Titlists as NHL Champions within a few short months this last season.
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
"Flat-Earthers, spherical-earthers, you're both wrong. Actually, it's . . . . ."

Dance like Star Lourdes.
Your life depends on it.
Especially with all the fearmonGuerring CORONA'belated DE-immune boost Dejections going around every day since they decided pricking us with Meh-dull of Honor tin CANNONonoutdated.
STEW-DENTED, strive not for shiny stickers but for helping classmates learn what really matters thus separating the Wheat from the combustibly SHAFted.
One day soon ARMIES will finally do what their names implied and will join each other's ARMS to deliver nourishment to each and every starving HEWmonBEing.
All ELSA said to FREEze floods:
"Ooh la la, I see stars, I'm seeing stars
Ooh la la, I see stars, I'm seeing stars
Ooh la la, I see stars, I'm seeing stars
Ooh la la, I see stars, I'm seeing stars
Ooh la la, I see stars, I'm seeing stars
Ooh la la, I see stars, I'm seeing stars
Ooh la la, I see stars, I'm seeing stars
Ooh la la, I see stars, I'm seeing stars
Ooh la la, I see stars, I'm seeing stars
Ooh la la, I see stars, I'm seeing stars
Once again, I find myself with my friends
Dancing the night away, it's like the party never ends
Then again we don't want it to stop, coz tonight's the night it goes sweat box
Laser beams, flashing lights, wild cards, men from Mars, dressed in Stars and stripes
Eclectic, electric, ladies of the evening, drinking booze and mingling
Mashing to the music, I can do anything
Freaky Dicky star speckles and pink butterflies and life is nice, so nice
I walk into a club and I've found paradise, I'm seeing stars, I can't believe my eyes
Dancing the night away, it's like the party never ends
Then again we don't want it to stop, coz tonight's the night it goes sweat box
Laser beams, flashing lights, wild cards, men from Mars, dressed in Stars and stripes
Eclectic, electric, ladies of the evening, drinking booze and mingling
Mashing to the music, I can do anything
Freaky Dicky star speckles and pink butterflies and life is nice, so nice
I walk into a club and I've found paradise, I'm seeing stars, I can't believe my eyes
Oh my starry eyed surprise, sundown to sunrise
I dance all night, we're gonna dance all night, dance all night to this DJ
Ah Sugar, dance all night to this DJ
Oh my starry eyed surprise, sundown to sunrise
Dance all night, we're gonna dance all night, dance all night to this DJ
Ah Sugar, dance all night to this DJ, dance all night to this DJ
Lover dance all night to this DJ
I dance all night, we're gonna dance all night, dance all night to this DJ
Ah Sugar, dance all night to this DJ
Oh my starry eyed surprise, sundown to sunrise
Dance all night, we're gonna dance all night, dance all night to this DJ
Ah Sugar, dance all night to this DJ, dance all night to this DJ
Lover dance all night to this DJ
Like the record spins on the trails we blaze, the walls are closing in but that's okay
Because I've been waiting all week to feel this way and it feels so good, so good
I'm on top of the world the coolest kid in the neighborhood
So let me be your star for one night that's right
Sweat box, laser beams, flashing lights, you've got to feel the rush
Feel the spice of life, love life, Shifty rolls the dice snake eyes surprise
Icing, mesmerizing, the minds are sick ones, cause what we are is victims of fun
Come on, come on, the fun is just begun; come on the fun is just begun
Because I've been waiting all week to feel this way and it feels so good, so good
I'm on top of the world the coolest kid in the neighborhood
So let me be your star for one night that's right
Sweat box, laser beams, flashing lights, you've got to feel the rush
Feel the spice of life, love life, Shifty rolls the dice snake eyes surprise
Icing, mesmerizing, the minds are sick ones, cause what we are is victims of fun
Come on, come on, the fun is just begun; come on the fun is just begun
Oh my starry eyed surprise, sundown to sunrise
I dance all night, we're gonna dance all night, dance all night to this DJ
Ah Sugar, dance all night to this DJ
Oh my starry eyed surprise, sundown to sunrise
Dance all night, we're gonna dance all night, dance all night to this DJ
Ah Sugar, dance all night to this DJ, dance all night to this DJ
Lover dance all night to this DJ
I dance all night, we're gonna dance all night, dance all night to this DJ
Ah Sugar, dance all night to this DJ
Oh my starry eyed surprise, sundown to sunrise
Dance all night, we're gonna dance all night, dance all night to this DJ
Ah Sugar, dance all night to this DJ, dance all night to this DJ
Lover dance all night to this DJ
It goes ooh la la, I see stars, I'm seeing stars
Oh la la, I see stars, I'm seeing stars
Oh la la, I see stars, I'm seeing stars
Oh my starry eyed surprise, sundown to sunrise
I dance all night, we're gonna dance all night, dance all night to this DJ
Ah Sugar, dance all night to this DJ
Oh my starry eyed surprise, sundown to sunrise
Dance all night, we're gonna dance all night, dance all night to this DJ
Ah Sugar, dance all night to this DJ, dance all night to this DJ
Lover dance all night to this DJ"
I dance all night, we're gonna dance all night, dance all night to this DJ
Ah Sugar, dance all night to this DJ
Oh my starry eyed surprise, sundown to sunrise
Dance all night, we're gonna dance all night, dance all night to this DJ
Ah Sugar, dance all night to this DJ, dance all night to this DJ
Lover dance all night to this DJ"
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Avoiding the void
"Cell Dweller Into The Void Swarm Remix
Who are you?
Malignant or benign?
Would you sell out your brother, to save your own life?
Or neglect your own safety, to save him from his plight?
Who will you be when your life starts to spin
Into the void?
Who are you?
Malignant or benign?
Would you sell out your brother, to save your own life?
Or neglect your own safety, to save him from his plight?
Who will you be when your life starts to spin
Into the void?
Shaken out of its orbit and forced from its flight
In the heart of the darkness, sole satellite
Suddenly the pull of gravity
Destroyed as you spin into the void
Heading into the fall, for once and for all
And face to face with exactly who you are at the core
No rescue, no one to save you this time
In the heart of the darkness, sole satellite
Suddenly the pull of gravity
Destroyed as you spin into the void
Heading into the fall, for once and for all
And face to face with exactly who you are at the core
No rescue, no one to save you this time
Destroy, create
Life, death, love, hate
A guiding light or manipulate
Subversive force or regenerate
Water, fire, truth or liar
Life, death, love, hate
A guiding light or manipulate
Subversive force or regenerate
Water, fire, truth or liar
Who are you?
Malignant or benign?
Would you sell out your brother, to save your own life?
Or neglect your own safety, to save him from his plight?
Who will you be when your life starts to spin
Into the void?
Spin Into the void"
The Void of Space also known as Outer Darkness.
Malignant or benign?
Would you sell out your brother, to save your own life?
Or neglect your own safety, to save him from his plight?
Who will you be when your life starts to spin
Into the void?
Spin Into the void"
The Void of Space also known as Outer Darkness.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
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